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Dotnet Nuget Why, your new best friend to troubleshoot transitive dependencies issues
·2 mins
Publish Dacpac to Azure SQL with Entra-only authentication using GitHub Actions
·5 mins
Azure Devops SQL Terraform
Install K3s on a Raspberry PI - Automatic external DNS management
·16 mins
Kubernetes Homelab Rpi Tutorial
GitHub Actions Azure Vnet Integration
·11 mins
Github Azure Devops Terraform
Install K3s on a Raspberry PI - TLS certificates
·12 mins
Kubernetes Homelab Rpi Tutorial
Install K3s on a Raspberry PI - Worker node
·5 mins
Kubernetes Homelab Rpi Tutorial
Install K3s on a Raspberry PI - Master node
·12 mins
Kubernetes Homelab Rpi Tutorial
Telemetry-Driven API Evolution: Safely Removing Obsolete Endpoints in ASP.NET Core
·8 mins
Dotnet Otel Aspire


Microsoft Graph Permissions Well-Known Ids
·86 mins
Azure Ms-Graph
Ace the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Exam: Tips and Strategies
·8 mins
Azure Certifications