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Massimiliano Donini

Massimiliano Donini


Install K3s on a Raspberry PI - TLS certificates
·12 mins
Kubernetes Homelab Rpi Tutorial
If you have been following along in this series, so far we have configured the master node and added a few worker nodes to the cluster.
Install K3s on a Raspberry PI - Worker node
·5 mins
Kubernetes Homelab Rpi Tutorial
In the first article of this mini-series, we configured the master node and kubectl on our PC, now it’s time to configure the worker nodes and join them to the cluster, here’s the final state with my hostnames and IPs:
Install K3s on a Raspberry PI - Master node
·12 mins
Kubernetes Homelab Rpi Tutorial
Motivation # I recently bought a few Raspberry PI 5 SBCs to play around with Kubernetes at home and, without noticing, I started spending a lot of my free time with it.
Telemetry-Driven API Evolution: Removing Obsolete Endpoints in ASP.NET Core
·8 mins
Dotnet Otel Aspire
It’s common to evolve HTTP APIs, and while it’s very easy to expose new and improved versions of a given functionality, not so much to safely obsolete and eventually remove an API.
Microsoft Graph Permissions Well-Known Ids
·86 mins
Azure Ms-Graph
If you’re working with the Microsoft identity platform, you’re probably familiar with the concept of application Scopes or Roles.